Due to the increasing email spamming and delivery issues, the email server policy has been revised to ensure email compliance, and we have restricted incoming and outgoing email services over all of servers . The email can be received or sent only via SSL . Therefore, SSL certificates are required for your website(s) in order to reactivate emailing. You can also use our free SSL on your domain(s) for receiving and sending. If your domain SSL Not Work/Expire than submit ticket to support for refresh your Free SSL because without SSL email service not work.
New Email Configuration :
Incoming mail server:
Old: mail.yourdomain.com
New: yourdomain.com
Connection Type: SSL
Connection Port (POP3): 995
Connection Port (IMAP): 993
Outgoing mail server:
Old: mail.yourdomain.com
New: yourdomain.com
Connection Type: SSL
Connection Port: 465
Server Administrator
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